Basics of Building a Trademark

Have you ever encountered a great e-commerce project that didn't work and wondered why? The simple answer boils down to an unsuccessful trademark. Branding is the attribute that differentiates your business from other competitors in your industry. It is, in short, your own footprint in the market. Therefore, your brand design and strategy play a focal role in shaping your brand image in the minds of your target audience.

The colours you use consistently in your trademark through different mediums create a mental image that sticks in the consumer's mind. For example, what comes to your mind when you see the letter M in yellow is McDonald's; even though hundreds of trademarks use the same letter, the letter M, with its unique design and distinctive colour, is drawn in your mind to remind you of the famous restaurant chain McDonald's. Now that you know the importance of building your trademark, follow the lines of this article to learn the basics of building your trademark.

Know your target audience

Your trademark is not just a design and colours; it's a design and colours that attract specific people with their characteristics, age stages, special needs, issues, social life, locations, etc. So, before registering your trademark, you should know these qualities and needs because they are the cornerstone of building your trademark and the communication channel between you and your target audience. Also, part of understanding your audience is knowing your competitors who offer the same product or service. By doing so, you can learn your audience's preferences and get a clear picture of the competitors on the scene to develop a trademark that differentiates you and attracts consumers.

Remember that your goal is not to please everyone but your target audience, and the companies that have achieved success and remarkable growth have focused on a targeted audience.

Define your trademark identity

A trademark identity is the whole story of your online store. Everything from your business name, the logo, and the colours used in the design of your brand system logo to the story of that brand or even your story as the brand's founder and background inspires you to use that particular brand. 

Also, your interaction with social media and the features that distinguish your online store from competitors in the same field contribute to the formation of that identity, and this strategy in digital marketing is called "storytelling."

Your identity should convey a unique and personalized message to consumers when looking at your brand. Your story is the human dimension of your project, and the more accurate and personal your project's identity story is, the more it leaves the desired impact on your target audience and helps build a solid connection with customers.

Value proposition 

Every trademark prepares a value proposition for the product or service they offer. A short video that introduces your product or service and its features. The value proposition for your business should focus on the issue you are solving or the need for your trademark is satisfying. The factors that differentiate you from other alternatives available in the market.

Remember that competition is high, and the way to differentiate your brand is to pay attention to details, communicate the value of your goods or services to consumers, and provide a compelling visual identity. A value proposition can accomplish this whenever it is short, personalized, and engaging.

Integrate your brand story and values into your transactions 

The customer experience should be distinctive through your interactions with them through social media, retail stores, or even email. It would help if you integrated your brand story through these transactions. For example, you should write down your values as you build your website, branding, or social media accounts for your online store and what sets you apart from others in your industry. Make sure you apply and adhere to those values in transactions, as they are the primary representative of your trademark. 

Learn how to master your sales strategy from Tkana's blog.

Excellent website

The website of your online store is the most important window to show your brand story, build communication with your customers, and integrate your story with the professionalism of your business dealings, so Use it in the best way to achieve the success of your business through many aspects, such as choosing a domain name that expresses the identity of your online store. Pay attention to its periodic development and consider the use of SEO, which helps search engines show your site on the first pages, and thus, your customers find your site when searching on the first pages.

     Here you can read about how to choose a domain name for your website

Content marketing

Your trademark is translated through the messages you send to your target audience, which means the messages, advertisements, and other materials you display on your website and your online store's social media accounts. These messages should be consistent with your brand system. This will help you connect with your target audience, increase brand awareness and loyalty, and increase your sales accordingly.

The messages you send also address multiple audiences, some of which are consumers (your target audience) and others interested in working with you in the future. These messages also address influencers who will promote your brand, which will be one of the factors in your brand's success and reach more consumers. So, create content that speaks to all three groups personally.

Remember that creativity in your content is essential to differentiate your trademark from others. For example, there are many cell phone companies, and everyone owns a cell phone, so marketing your brand in a way that differentiates it must offer engaging and creative content. Many followers wait for the advertisements of some companies every year because they are more innovative than the message provided by the ad itself, so the employer has established his trademark in the consumer's mind through the content itself.   

Building partnerships

Many trademarks have achieved success mainly through their partnerships with other successful trademarks, such as Apple and Nike. If there are successful brands that you respect and see the potential for collaboration, don't hesitate to offer and discuss partnership opportunities with the other party. Remember to prepare well for the partnership before entering into it and ensure that both parties will benefit from it to make it attractive to the other party.

Now that you know the basics of building a successful trademark remember that strategizing without tracking and executing those plans means nothing. So, make sure that you implement all these basics, evaluate them, and look at the results. And don't forget that you can constantly evolve your name, logo, or plan if there are new developments in your project.

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